What would it mean to put vibration and touch at the center of a music?
[Haptic Translation of Music] [2023] [CHI Conference]
I was lucky enough to co-design haptic technologies for several video pieces in the Smithsonian American Art Museum's (SAAM) exhibition Musical Thinking, in collaboration with the wonderful folks at Gallaudet's Motion Light Lab. We designed a vibrating dance floor and various haptic seating, for which I created bespoke haptic translations of the audio in the video pieces. It was a TON of fun!
Learn more about the project in this Forbes article and on the Smithsonian YouTube Video
Haptics x Metro Deaf School
[Haptic Instrument Design] [2024] [NIME Conference]
What should devices used to create and experience vibration-based art (haptic instruments) look and feel like? In collaboration with a group of 24 awesome students at the Minneapolis Metro Deaf School and researchers at the Playful Learning Lab, we tried to find out!
On-Going Work:
Haptic Instrument
[Forthcoming Device for Joy]
Working with an, eclectic, and iexciting group of folks to design and fabricate stand-alone instruments that can be used to create and experience haptic/vibration art.
Haptic Art Festivals
[Forthcoming Event]
Be on the lookout for some haptic art workshops happening in March 2025 and mini-festivals in June 2025 at Gallaudet University in Washington DC